POWER OF E-GOVERNANCE MCA STARTS REVIEWING COMPLIANCE BY CORPORATES COMMUNICATIONS SENT TO DIRECTORS AND COMPANIES The Ministry of Corporate Affairs is all set to exploit the benefits of its ambitious e -Governance programme – MCA21, which is considered to have been successfully implemented by the Government of India as one of the Mission Mode Projects under the NeGP. For the first time a communication, using the Information and Communication Technology, has already been e -mailed to about 1.90 lakh Directors on companies whose e-mail IDs are available in the MCA21 data-base. Welcoming the Directors to the DIN data-base fold, the e-mail is addressed to the Directors requesting them to ensure filing of DIN Form-2 by them to the companies and the companies required to file Form DIN-3 with the Registry. "This is the beginning and we plan to continue to interact with our stakeholders on a continuing basis in future as well", said a Ministry official. Another commu...